The Apartied:The Viewpoints "Whites, Africans [blacks], colored, and Asians shall be totally separated from each....

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Essay Database > History > World History
Jason Van Dervoort English 9:Mr.Gunder Apartheid: The Viewpoints "Whites, Africans [blacks], colored, and Asians shall be totally separated from each other and each race shall be able to develop along its own lines in its own[geographical] area." This, this, 'policy', was active in the South African government for 50 years. Apartheid, the Afrikaans word for "apartness" was the 'policy' used in South Africa from the years 1948 to 1994. During these years the nearly 31.5 million blacks …

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…in South Africa. The feelings of whites and blacks in South Africa are widely known. Now that you have a reference to these feelings. What do you feel? What would you have done to support your feelings? Would you have written a song? Or got in front of congress? I am not trying to tell you what to feel, you have to make up your own mind about this situation. So, what are your feelings?